Amazon Sourcing Camp

An event by sellers. For sellers. Want to source alongside hundreds of other sellers and learn the different tactics and tricks that other successful 6, 7, and 8 figure sellers are using?

What is Sourcing Camp?

  • Hands on Amazon Sourcing Bootcamp
  • Insider tips and strategies being used by current sellers
  • HOW to find profitable products DAILY
  • Replens
  • A2A sourcing
  • NOT just theory... LIVE sourcing.
  • Group learning and Q/A
  • Strategies for scaling to 7-8 figures
  • An uplifting community of like minded SERIOUS sellers.
  • And muuuuuuch more

June 21-30 (Recorded in case you have to miss a few)

Dive into the thrilling world of Amazon sourcing with our hands-on boot camp that's all about finding and snapping up the best products to sell on Amazon. Packed with insider tips and strategies, you'll learn the art of product research, master the tools you have, Find replenishable products you can buy over and over, and a myriad of other topics that we'll be going over in our breakout sessions. Whether you're a complete newbie or a seasoned seller looking to up your game, we've got the blueprints you need to navigate the Amazon marketplace with confidence.

This is NOT just theory. Like many of you, we were tired of taking a class and just being taught the theoretical "well this is how you SHOULD do something". We wanted HANDS ON, boots in the dirt, sourcing. We wanted to see it be done in real time while learning.

Throughout the camp, you'll engage in practical exercises that you can try on your own in real time with the other campers; fine-tuning your sourcing skills with each step. By the time you're through, you'll be ready to start or scale up your own Amazon business, equipped with the know-how to find nearly limitless products to profitable flip online. Plus, you'll be joining a community of fellow entrepreneurs who are just as eager to trade tips, cheer each other on, and celebrate every win along the way.

Who is this for:

This is an event for Active Amazon Sellers who want to get better at sourcing.

You might be someone who struggles with sourcing... or maybe someone who learns by actively sourcing hands on in group settings... Regular everyday family run businesses that need to source more efficiently so they can spend less time finding stuff and more time with their families.

Newer sellers are welcome. Advanced sellers are welcome. We will have something for everyone, as our camp counselors are a group of 6-8 figure sellers who are all actively in the trenches doing this.

What you will learn:
100 new ways to source profitable products.

Plain and simple...

Each one of the breakout sessions will be led by a successful seller who's actively in the trenches DOING THIS. NO gurus/YouTubers who talk the talk but aren't actually walking the walk. Every camp counselor is an ACTIVE seller running their own 6-8 figure businesses.

When is it?
Live video sessions will happen in the afternoon/evenings of June 21st through the 29th. Every single day ALL sessions will be recorded and saved inside your class area.

Choose a Pricing Option

Meet the team!

Tracey Lee Shelly

Tracey has been selling on Amazon for longer than many sellers have been alive. She is the 7 figure granny. Recently she's been diving a lot into sourcing for the Walmart marketplace and is going to show us how to expand into other markets.

Perry Coghlan

Perry, his wife, and their 13 kids have built an Amazon empire doing over 10 million dollars per year. Yes you read all of those numbers correctly. He's going to show us how we can optimize and systemize our processes in order to get more work done in less time.

Saul Doane

Saul has been doing Amazon to Amazon flips for many years. He's become one of the most well known A2A flippers in the Amazon space, and we are PUMPED that he decided to join us for a camp session all about A2A flipping... (Oh and we've also thrown in his entire A2A flipping class for free to every one who joins for camp!!)

Grant Douglas

Grant uses every trick in the book to build out his REPLEN pipeline of products. From storefront stalking... to reverse searching... to discount gift card stacking, this guy always adding more to his "collection" of products.

Heather Cahail

Heather has mastered the balance of sourcing quickly and efficiently to fit into her busy life. Her favorite sourcing styles are RA/OA hybrids where she uses tools like Keepa to source her local stores from the comfort of her couch.

Abe McMahan

Abe is another long time seller who has focused on building out entire sourcing TEAMS in order to make the magic happen. He wants you to work ON your business, not FOR your business.

Cris Beam

Cris LOVES utilizing the different tools at our disposal. She wants to work smarter, not harder. She loves utilizing tools like Tactical Arbitrage to speed up her OA sourcing processes.

Steve French

Steve and his wife have built a ~4M dollar business, almost entirely via Retail Arbitrage. He's going to be sharing how he does his RA and show us how scalable it actually is.

Shayla Chalker

Shayla Chalker is an Aussie transplant turned Amazon seller. She loves to use leads lists to START her sourcing journey... and then rabbit trail off of them.

Randy Bee

Randy is ALWAYS looking at his numbers and doing the work that others just simply don't want to do. He's mastered the art of finding "unicorn" listings where they seem to last forever and rarely if ever tank. By knowing the amazon fees inside and out, he's able to out price his competition, while also making more money than them.

Jamie Huff

Jamie has built his business around sustainability. As a long time seller, he's picked up a TON of tricks over the years that help him source more products, in less time.

Jonathan Brines

Jonathan has been with Hustle Buddies since the early days of covid. His philosophy and knowledge of sourcing is incredible, and he consistently finds products that others would normally be passing up. Because of his depth of knowledge and experience, he's able to clear shelves and is coming to share how he does what he does.

Nate Jackson (Me!)

8 year Amazon seller. 6 year foster/adoptive parent. Former music teacher. Owner of Hustle Buddies.

Over the years, I've had the privilege to help thousands of people grow their Amazon businesses. I don't know everything... but I like to think I know a little about most sourcing style, so I'll be showing you guys a wide variety of sourcing.